Chapter 7

The Shutdown


A saturday in April I went to Monroeville to get the Johnson & Johnson covid 19 vaccine

Since this chapter starts in 2021, first you might think I’m referring to the pandemic shutdown, but no. On a sunny, Sunday afternoon, May 16th, 2021 to be exact,  I was cleaning bird poop off my front porch. I was finishing up when I noticed a bumble bee near my head so I moved a little to the right. When doing this I accidentally turn the hose straight up into the ceiling of my front porch. This watery mess ended up going into the bird nest of birds which caused the poop. I saw one fly out quickly in front of me and then another flew out and right into my face. I can still smell that bird, disgusting… Terrified I stepped backwards and tripped over my front step. CRASH!!! The sound of glass shattering as my right arm went through the glass window of my front storm door. My first thought was @#&@! I am going to have to fix this! Then I looked down at my wrist and saw a very large hole. I could see white inside my wrist and it was more blood than I had ever bled before. At this moment my brain went into hyper-speed. 

May 16th, a Sunday I was cleaning bird poop off the front porch of my house. I was basically done when a bee flew close to me which startled me. I accidentally sprayed the hose into the bird’s nest and a bird flew out which startled me even, so more water got sprayed into the nest and another bird came out. This bird flew right in my zone and I tripped over my front step and went through the window of the front storm door. There was a crash then I looked at my right hand and there was a big gash in my wrist. The center was all white and the edge was blood coming out. I covered my wound with my other hand and screamed for help. I ran down to the road to get someone’s attention. My neighbor, Marty who I had never spoken to before called 911. Another neighbor, named John also came to help.

July 28th Dr John Fowler operated on my right wrist.

My parents were both there to drive me home and stay with me for the night. They gave me nerve blockers in my shoulder and neck before the operation and I still couldn’t feel my right arm or hand at all afterwards. It felt like I was carrying around a big heavy ham in a sling. 

I also had a big yellow swiss cheese that went around my wrist and arm. 

August 2nd, The following Monday my parents were going to stay at my house and help me, but were hit by a speeding truck on interstate 79. Their car was totaled as it spun 3 times and into a guard rail. They went to the hospital, Jimi called me and then I called Jordan. He picked me up and we went to visit them in Waynesburg. 

Monday, August 16th there was a bit of phone tag between me and Jenny. Around 10am we finally connected, she voiced her frustrations with me. Things had become too much so we broke up.

September 9th I got to take off my wrist splint. Dr Fowler said everything was healing fine.

September 13th I started hand therapy first thing in the morning.

September 27th I went to Kimberly Rau’s office and had some tissue removed from my side. I got stiched up from it.

October 21st I saw Dr John Fowler who did my surgery. He was impressed with my recovery and told me I was good to end therapy. He was very passionate about what he did which I liked. He said maybe I’ll see you at a steeler game sometime. So I will always keep a lookout for him if I go to a game.

October 27th I graduated from hand therapy. My original therapist was not there, but I enjoyed my time with all of the helpers there. My hand movement was good and I had some strength again. I was able to lift a 5lb weight

Towards the end of November, My friend Antoon hit me up saying that his new band’s drummer left and they needed a drummer for a show they had booked. It would be a stretch if I could pull it off, but I didn’t want to pass on a chance to play a show with a good friend so I said yes. I bought a couple new crash cymbals and began practicing drums. I had lost a lot of my coordination and strength. I jammed with the group less than a month away from the show. At first it was going good, all things considered. Then someone mentioned they had booked more shows and I let them know I was not able to do all that; maybe one more show, but nothing more than that. Immediately the one guitar player and the singer changed into different people. The jam was over; if I wasn’t going to do what they wanted then I had to leave right then. So I did; my friend and the bass player apologized and I could tell they felt kinda bad. 

I believe things happen for a reason so I decided after that situation to practice drums and my hand coordination 30 minutes every day. 


I was driving Jordan, my mom, and dad to to the upper peninsula of michigan when my aunt paulette called my dad and told him my Grandma was not doing well. We turned around and came home. I visited my grandma at Latrobe Hospital. The covid restrictions were still in so my family wasn’t able to be with her together. This was sad because my grandma loved her family together more than anything. My Grandma passed away July. I never got to hear my sweet Grandma’s voice ever again here in reality; just the memory sound that can ring through my head “Hii Jaasson” 

July, I found 3 dimes

August DJ came over and started to jam with Jellotown

September I started to plan a trip to better focus.