Chapter 8

"The Return of the Shoom"


I went on a road trip to do 99 things and for the wish to forget about the accident.

My fear of randomly dying went down significantly.

I finished the plot for where’s moose?


I finished building my where’s moose puppets. 

August 9th I took a road trip to Newfoundland

I close my eyes and listen. I hear a bird singing a short phrase. I hear the ringing in my ears. I hear the hum of appliances in my house. A random house crack. After some time I hear a truck going down the street. 

I made a list of 300 things to do in a year

I did nine days of nine things as a presentation and thank you gift to improve my life. I drank the proper amount of water, exercised daily, whitened my teeth, became social, became grateful, stopped drinking coffee, and prayed to God


I was in the Maladaptive Daydreaming facebook group when a stranger told me it sounded like I have complex motor syndrome and to check out another group; providing a link. I submitted for the group and was accepting shortly after. Reading some of the posts I quickly saw that the hand flapping and arm shaking was labeled as complex motor syndrome. This was a breakthrough in my progress. 

January; In the same week Matt Austin texted me asking if I would be interested in playing drums for a band he, and Sean had and Derek reached out asking if I would be interested in jamming with him and Pat. 

I started playing for the animals outside. It started with throwing peanuts out which attracted a squirrel, three blue jays, and eventually three crows. 

As I am writing this; one of my biggest worries is that no one who reads this will be surprised. They will be like yea, Jason we knew you would go off and be special… why do you think we were so nice to you?  To find out my secret isn’t a secret and I’m just so lost that I can’t put it together would really make me second guess a lot about my life. So I am hoping that people in my life find this somewhat surprising anyway. 

May 18th was the millvale music festival