Chapter 9

I don't hand flap in public because I feel judged - I don't shoom in public because I need to be alone to concentrate
It feels good to let them hand flaps, flap away. I tend to like to be by myself so I can be myself. Free of judgement

I wish I didn’t feel the need to write this book. I wished everyone would just understand. As I started to become mid age; I realized that no one cared to understand. What I have gone through is too much to not note. I am happy, but as I write this I still have not met a person face to face that has any clue when I talk about shooming. The only down side to shooming is the loneliness of not being understood. I am sure others must have different obstacles, but I hope to meet other shoomers someday. Maybe we make a club and take over the world and implement pro hand flapping environments. 

When I hand flap and or shoom I am living in the moment

I would recommend a job that is lenient on tardiness and has management with a kind heart. 

I would recommend making lots of notes before and after shooming. I would also recommend making a journal. Recording music has given me the ability to have a music journal onto of my notebooks, and random documents. 

Often in life people tell me how nice I am and I will say I am not as nice as you think I am. I am probably the average amount of nice a human has, but I am VERY understanding. I have to be; my whole life I have almost always been secretly, the weirdest one in the room. Anything that isn’t violent or hateful has a spot in my heart. 

I love different people! The most different person in the room will draw my attraction. I think it’s great that we are all here together doing so many things. I look at the world like a Richard Scary book; always hoping to see the banana car come driving by or the happy, neighbor cat person wishing me a good day just by looking at me. 

I have basically a government in my head to organize everything from things I see, things I do, things I hear, how my body feels, my thoughts, new thoughts, dreams, daydreams, and my shooms.  Giving a score on each of the importance, consistency, source consistency, happiness, integrity, and balance. They are then put in their rank and given something like a ticket so I can relook at it later on. Truthfully it’s a mess, but some parts are very clean and clear. It can take me a VERY long time to decide something because if I haven’t found the boxes I am looking for I know I am probably not making the best decision. 

There is basicaly a gate and filter through all my thoughts. If I want to have a conversation with someone I need to either talk about something I have ready to talk about or let the gate down and hope the filter can handle it. Being an understandable person I usually just keep the gate up and don’t say much. 

If I get lost in my head, playing music will bring me back to the main room where the government is located. This doesn’t always work, but works for me more times than it doesn’t. 

Theory 1 - Theatre for Angels

When I do nice things for other people, animals, or plants it makes me feel good. The better I am to others the better I feel. I can only deep shoom when I feel really good. There is a link to feeling good and being able to shoom. When I pray I also get a good feeling and can deep shoom afterwards. Is shoomland a theatre for angels?  

Theory 2 - Shoomland is an intense form of involuntary meditation
Theory 3 - Like how many animals evolve to handle their environment, shoomers have evolved differently
Theory 4 - We all have ways to shoomland, but most can't go there by default.
Theory 5 - People are trapped in shoomland
Theory 6 - My conscientious go into sleep mode
Theory 7 - File Download interruption / Open Port

Like a file download when we are born our instincts are being loaded in through a wifi type connection. There is some port between us and our instincts and the port must stay open for some time after we are born. If something happens to the port; not all the information and instincts reach our bodies. I believe that maybe a week after I was born my file download got disrupted somehow I was able to keep the port open so that the information finished downloading. While keeping the port open I learned how to either open and close it or just travel through it. When I shoom, I go back to the port and go back into the shoomland where I see people who are stuck there because there files never stopped downloading and didn’t finish. Someone needs to open the port so that the instinct file download can finish and these people can live normal lives here in the real world. (these people stuck would be people who seem to have no concept of reality. They would be able to walk and move. They would be able to do simple things once the body learned it through repetition but would lack the general instinct and intuition. 

Theory 8 - Halfway to Heaven
Theory 9 - Seeing other shoomers in shoomland
Theory 10 - Something else takes over
If life was a home, then shooming would be the balcony
When I am most excited and comfortable my hands flap and I shake my arms. This movement makes me think more clearly. Once a clear thought is together I find this VERY exciting and I will stand up and begin pacing. This pacing is basically a runway where within a second or two my mind goes into another world. Pacing back and forth in a straight line, shaking my arms, flapping my hands, and sometimes jumping up and down I am in some type of dream world where either I am either thinking about something very specific or I roam around in shoomland. I am not aware of my pacing, hand flapping, arm shaking, or jumping while this occurs. I am not aware of anything around me. One of my biggest life fears would be to get stuck in shoomland. In one way it would be really nice, but it would be the end of the people in my life being able to understand me. I feel that athough it's nice to think we are special; there are many people out there that also go to "shoomland" and I feel that there's a good chance that there are people stuck in "shoomland" and 1) everyone should know shoomland is wonderful! 2) If we could find out how some people like myself can travel back and forth through these involuntary movements and why some people are stuck there; maybe we could help them find a way out so they can enjoy reality also.
Theory 11 - The world of only 1's vs the world of 1's and 0's
Life is made up of all 1's. 0 was invented by humans. This is why the world and math of 1's and 0's only works for most things, but not all. People like Nikola Tesla were able to communicate to the world using the number 3. This is because 3 is a pattern of three 1's. We communicate into the world in patterns if know of it or not. If we purposely make patterns and use very deep, meditative thoughts we can communicate to the invisible world. Almost like sacrifice; the larger the pattern; the stronger the response. Almost like we are also the other side and the whole process is a circle. The wider we push on one end will determine how far out the response goes.
The natural world does not use 0's. When we use 0's we separate ourselves from the real world and put those things into a new reality. We are able to live in reality and touch of both sides; the world of 1's and the world of 1's and 0's. There should be a certain amount of concern with putting too much of life into the world of 1's and 0's. Once a zero is added to something it cannot be in the world of only 1's. The world of only 1's is our natural path of existence.
2 is the middle because you need 2 for a reaction. 1 is core. 3 is growth or movement

I would like to find other shoomers. I think it would be neat for us to help each other out. No one understand us better than we do. I hope that anybody who reads this and also shooms someday reaches out to me.

We are trying to clean up our visible environment, but by making things digital we are destroying the invisible environment. A healthy human life is the balance of the world of only 1’s and the world of 1’s and 0’s. The world of 1’s and 0’s should be treated as dessert. It’s not ok, it’s highly recommended and needed to have some dessert for life at it’s fullest potential. 

Theory 12 - I shoom better when birds are around. Birds communicate with us through our thoughts and their chirps and movements. Life grows towards the sun. It would only make sense that if humans were to be something else after life would be a bird. The only animals that naturally get closest to the sun. If you ask people what superpower they would like; perhaps the number one answer would be to fly.
Theory 13 - Some people never stop downloading and get stuck in processing moments